Weekly Reminders: Updated on Fridays
Transition Week: Tuesday, September 5 your child will be starting in their new classroom. Please be patient with us during morning drop offs. Administration will be monitoring the teachers schedules and the ratios over the next 2 weeks to make sure we have the appropriate amount of staff on hand during those times. Our teachers begin at 7:30 am and should be in their classrooms at that time. If a teacher is not in their classroom, please see someone in Administration.
Parking lot: Please pay attention in the parking lot when pulling into a space as well as backing out of a space. We have had several accidents almost happen that involved a child almost being hit as well as cars being hit.
Drop Off Cut Off time ( 1 year olds and up): Our handbook states that your child needs to arrive to school before 9:30 am. If they have an appointment scheduled that we know about they are able to come in after their appointment. We need to know if your child will be in attendance so that we can properly plan for lunch and snack.
Drop Off Cut Off time ( INFANTS): We have had a number of students being dropped off after 10 am. We have now implemented a 10 am drop off for the INFANTS only (POPPIES CLASSROOM). This is due to them being on their own individual schedules. As stated above, please notify us if there is an appointment schedule so that we are aware and approximately what time they will be arriving from that appointment.
Proper Shoes: We have had several friends come in with shoes that are way too big or way to small for their feet which is causing a safety hazard while in our care especially on the playground. Please make sure the shoes your child is wearing are the appopriate size so that we can do our best to prevent any accidents from taking place. Please no crocs ( we have found that they are causing accidents on the playground.)